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The deepest dive yet – and other Vertical Blue highlights from the weekend

VB2014 — 2014年12月1日

Windy conditions at Deans Blue Hole didn’t prevent deep dives and exceptional performances during the weekend at Suunto Vertical Blue.

On Saturday the competitors broke three national records. Kate Middleton of New Zealand dove to 68 m (CWT), Alejandro Lemus of Mexico to 86 m (FIM) and Ryuzo Shinomiya of Japan to 60 m (CNF).

In this Day 3 highlights clip you can check out an interview with Mexico's Estrella Navarro Holm of Mexico and other highlights from the third day of competition including a new CNF record from Ryuzo Shinomiya of Japan.

Meanwhile in this clip you can watch highlights from day two of #VB2014, including interviews with Kate Middleton of New Zealand, Lena Jovanovic of Serbia and scenes from Deans Blue Hole.




Main image: ©Rebecca Woodmore