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Uncompromised test diving

SuuntoDive — 2015年2月13日金曜日

There are a lot of similarities between cave diving and developing a new product. Pushing the limits is one of them. Explore the world of a cave diver, tech dive instructor and Suunto EON Steel test diver Sami Paakkarinen.

Sami Paakkarinen was one of the field testers that supported Suunto's internal test team in the development of EON Steel, our new fully customizable dive computer.

Paakkarinen is an advanced dive instructor who teaches technical, cave and rebreather diving. He is based in Finland but can be found diving all around the world in places like Plura in Norway, Pozo Azul in Spain and Orda in Russia.

In this video filmed by the Divers of the dark Sami introduces us to the world of cave diving – and finds similarities between cave diving and developing a new dive computer.

“Big projects take years and years of preparation. Only then you are ready to push the limits,” he says.

Explore the world of cave diver, tech dive instructor and Suunto EON Steel test diver Sami Paakkarinen.