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Tutorial Tuesday: Find a GPS signal more quickly

SuuntoRun — 2014年8月12日火曜日

Ever got frustrated waiting for your Suunto watch to pick up a satellite signal? Did you know there's a way to speed it up?

To receive a GPS signal your Suunto watch needs to locate satellites that are orbiting the Earth. The better the watch knows where the satellites are located, the quicker it will receive the signal.

Since the satellites are moving constantly, the new locations of the satellites need to be synced to your watch. Simply put, to find the satellites quicker, sync your watch regularly with Suunto app.

Suunto app sync the latest, seven-day satellite orbit forecast to your watch so it knows where to look. If you want to optimize and find the signal quickly, sync the watch as close to your activity as possible.

The data that is synced to your watch is global. So even if you sync your watch in New York and start your run 12 hours later in Chamonix, there is no need to re-sync.

Image: © Bruno Long

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