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Congratulations to the Suunto Summit 2018 selections!

SuuntoRun — 2018年3月11日日曜日

We are thrilled to announce the participants of our 2018 Suunto Summit! Congratulations to the selected individuals. We received incredibly inspiring applications from around the world, reminding us of the passion and engagement of our community. Thank you to everyone who applied!

The 2018 Suunto Summiteers are:

Aniol, Spain
Daniel, Switzerland / Spain
Dmytro, Ukraine
Julia, Finland
Leonardo, Italy
Maggie, UK
Patrick, France
Patrik, Slovakia
Sherry, USA
Tara, USA
Teoh, Malaysia
Valentin, Romania
Verónica, Ecuador
(All participants have been individually contacted by Suunto.)

Welcome to  #suuntosummit, everyone!

***** 5 February 2018 *****

Suunto Summit 2018

Do you want to be a part of a weekend full of trail running in the Finnish forest, workshops on Suunto products, and a little sauna too? If you can get to Helsinki for 4-6.5, we’ll do the rest!

If this sounds like your kind of weekend, fill in the application below and tell us why you’re passionate about sports and Suunto, and share your story with #suuntosummit

Applications are due by 22.2.2018. (Amer Sports employees are not eligible for this Suunto Summit)


Here's what the Summit looks like in action!

In 2017 we hosted an inspiring group of 16 Suunto fans from around the world for a weekend of sharing experiences – and some muddy Finnish trails.


Summit team gearing up for the start of the trail race

Summit team gearing up for the start of the trail race


Serene moment for Sante in the forest (Photo: PR)

Serene moment for Sante in the forest


Ready for orienteering?

Ready for orienteering?


Summiteers celebrating at the finish of Bodom Trail

Summiteers celebrating at the finish of Bodom Trail


All images by Philipp Reiter