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7 marathons done: only 113 to go...

Sports — 2015年1月23日

He's a week into his epic bid to run across America. Patrick Sweeney has so far clocked up 7 marathons – there's only another 113 to go! Below he gives us a little update on progress so far:

“The race is going great! The weather has been sunny and relatively warm.  I am enjoying the company of my teammates.  3,000 miles (approx 5,000km) is quite a long race! The brain wants to do it but the body after the first 130 miles in five days has yet to find a groove. 

“It's interesting trying to figure out how hard I can push without injuring myself.  So far I have been taking it a little slower than I want to but I think it is smart to ease into this.”

Patrick's marathon times have so far ranged from 4h 22m to 5h 15m. 

He adds: “The vibe of the event is much more of an adventure than a race.  I look forward to each day's run and all the experiences ahead of me.  My Ambit3 has already kept me from getting lost more than once and I am very thankful to have it!”

We'll be giving regular updates on Patrick's progress. Stay tuned to find out more.