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Calling all the sporty ladies! Emelie Forsberg smashes four records for women everywhere

SuuntoRun — 2018年12月28日金曜日

Swedish mountain athlete and Suunto ambassador Emelie Forsberg wants to see more women out in the mountains taking on challenges and reaching their dreams. She decided to lead by example.

This year 32-year-old mountain running champion Emelie Forsberg has done things differently. Rather than focus solely on racing, she turned her attention to challenging personal projects, resulting in her smashing four fastest known time records (FKTs) in a row.


Emelie after running Kungsleden in Sweden. (Image by Philipp Reiter)
Emelie tracked her Kungsleden FKT with her Suunto 9: She ran about 90km per day for five days straight. (Image by Philipp Reiter)


It all started because Forsberg noticed a dearth of women’s names in the record books for FKTs, and decided to give her own effort to improve that, hoping to inspire other women everywhere to take on fun, personal challenges – big or small – and achieve their dreams. The results are impressive.


“There are very few women who are doing these kinds of things in the mountains, and if I can inspire more to do it, why not?!” she says.


Click play on the Four in a Row video below to watch the action from Emelie’s awesome four FKTs, including new fastest ascent times, and a new record on a long distance trail. Please then all you sporty ladies, head over to her Instagram feed and give her a shout out for her efforts!


Watch Emelie's "4 in a Row" mini-documentary now!


Images by Philipp Reiter