General options
Profile settings
Google Fit
Check your Suunto Wear app version
Profile settings
You can check your weight, height, birth year, gender, resting heart rate and max heart rate in your personal settings. To adjust the settings:
- Press the top right button to open Suunto Wear app
. - Swipe up the menu and go to General options
» Profile. - Choose which setting you need to adjust.
- Adjust the setting.
- To confirm, tap the check mark or press the middle button.
Suunto Wear app supports both metric (kg, km) and imperial (mi., lbs) unit systems for setting your personal information and for viewing your exercise stats.
- Press the top right button to open Suunto Wear app
. - Swipe up the menu and go to General options
» Units. - Adjust the setting.
- To confirm, tap the check mark or press the middle button.
Google Fit
If you use Google Fit to track your daily activities and want to see how your exercises, daily activity and sleep recorded with Suunto Wear app impact your daily activity goals, connect Suunto Wear app with Google Fit. When connected, training insights from exercises recorded with Suunto Wear app will also be accessible in Google Fit.
Connect to Google Fit
- Go to Google Fit on your watch.

- Sign in to Google Fit with your Google account.
- Go to Suunto Wear app
. - Swipe up the menu and go to General options
» Google Fit.

- Tap Connect.
- Select the same Google account you used to sign in to Google Fit.
- Scroll down and tap the check mark to allow Suunto to sync data recorded during your activity to Google Fit.