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Face to Face with William Trubridge, #SuuntoAdventure Video Series Episode 4

SuuntoDive — 22 maja 2015

It is time for the fourth episode of #SuuntoAdventure Video Series. Relax and get ready to dive deep with freediver William Trubridge!

William Trubridge is a world-renowned freediver who has a natural affinity with the depths. In 2010 he became the first person to break the 100m barrier completely unassisted and has broken several records after that as well.

Watch the other episodes in the series:

Face to Face with Emelie Forsberg – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 1

Face to Face with Greg Hill – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 2

Face to Face with Kilian Jornet – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 3

Face to Face with Conrad Stoltz – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 5