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Emelie's favorite cookie recipe

Sports — 23 lipca 2014

When it comes to the best food for runners, nothing quite beats homemade treats, says Emelie Forsberg. “I love to bake,” says the Swedish trail running sensation. Here's her favorite cookie recipe. If it's good enough for her...

100 grams butter (I prefer butter when I´m in the north, just because I love the feeling of trying to eat what we can find here)

0.25 liter of flour (whatever you prefer, I use coconut and wheat)

0.2 liter of oats

2 spoons of raw sugar (take a little more or less, all depending what you think tastes good!)

100 grams of dark chocolate

0.5 dl hazelnuts

1 table spoon of baking soda

Warm the butter a little until it softens, not melts completely.

Chop the chocolate and the hazelnuts, stir everything together.

Put them in the oven for 15-17 minutes at 175° C.